Sunday, April 19, 2009

Digital Color Wheel

Our next assignment was to make a color wheel using either Adobe Illustrator or PhotoShop. I chose Illustrator and came up with this design:

The comments I got on the design were all favorable, it was well liked by the class and instructor.

Painted Color wheel

For this assignment we had to mix the primary colors of Red, Yellow and Blue to make our color wheel. This is how my wheel turned out. I added some graphic tape around the samples to give it a more finished look. The black colors in the middle are showing the difference between a mixed Black (on top) with an Ivory Black out of the tube (on bottom). I used gouache water paint for this assignment.

It took me a few days to get the colors painted without lines and or water marks. I was never really good with paint. I like colored pencils and pastel sticks much more than paint.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Color Theory for Web & Multimedia

Here are the three designs I posted for our week on color gradations.

After critiques it was suggested to modify two of the designs, so they are now looking like this: